Assessment Portal

Assessment Portal is an online platform designed for conducting and managing assessments, tests, and evaluations.

Multi-modal Assessment | Real-time Feedback and Remediation

Assessment Portal

Online Assessment Software that caters to everyone's needs

An assessment portal is a digital platform designed to streamline the creation, administration, and evaluation of various assessments, such as quizzes, exams, and surveys. These portals are widely used in educational institutions, corporate training programs, certification bodies, and recruitment processes to facilitate efficient and effective testing and evaluation.

Assessment Portals are online platforms designed to facilitate the creation, administration, and analysis of various types of assessments, including tests, quizzes, exams, and surveys. These portals provide tools for educators, employers, and organizations to evaluate knowledge, skills, and competencies in a streamlined and efficient manner.

1. Assessment Creation:
   - Tools for creating a wide range of assessments, including multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, essay, and practical tasks.
   - Customizable templates and question banks to simplify the creation process.

2. Automated Grading:
   - Automatic scoring for objective questions (e.g., multiple-choice, true/false).
   - Rubrics and criteria for manual grading of subjective responses (e.g., essays).

3. Secure Test Administration:
   - User authentication and access control to ensure the integrity of the assessment process.
   - Proctoring options, including live and automated proctoring, to monitor test-takers.

4. Question Banks and Randomization:
   - Repositories for storing and categorizing questions.
   - Randomization of questions and answer choices to minimize cheating.

5. Time Management:
   - Timed assessments with countdown timers to manage test duration.
   - Features to allow or restrict time extensions for specific users.

6. Reporting and Analytics:
   - Detailed reports on individual and group performance.
   - Analytics to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

7. Feedback and Review:
   - Automated and personalized feedback for test-takers.
   - Options for test-takers to review their answers and correct solutions.

8. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS):
   - Seamless integration with LMS for synchronizing grades, user data, and course content.
   - Ensures a unified learning and assessment experience.

9. Mobile Accessibility:
   - Mobile-friendly interfaces or dedicated apps for taking assessments on the go.
   - Ensures accessibility from various devices, enhancing flexibility.

10. Compliance and Data Security:
   - Adherence to data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, FERPA).
   - Secure data storage and transmission to protect sensitive information.

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Our Development Process

Our design process follows a proven approach. We begin with a deep understanding of your needs and create a planning template.


Requirement Gathering

Requirement gathering and planning is a collective planning effort. Our members collaborate to clarify items and ensure shared understanding. We're changing the future and there's nothing more exciting we think we could be doing.



We build the applications into microservices. Decoupling the code allows teams to move faster and more independently. Our software development team consisting of software engineers, designers and programmers who bring their professional experience, expertise, and creativity to produce world- class solutions.



We do the quality checks, weekly demos, and weekly reviews make sure everyone is on the same page and can raise their concerns. Code reviews before release help detect issues like memory leaks, file leaks, performance signs, and general bad smells.


Support & Maintenance

It is about your capacity to harness the return on the mindshare, voice, cultural relevancy and yes, as well as your dollars. We bring in our strategy services which encompass several determining factors so that together we can execute these strategies.


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